From Limestone to a
Restaurant and Guesthouse
named "Waldhof" The former right to mine lime was sold from the lord of the manor Mr Böhm the town of Venusberg to a feudal lord in Kemtau in the year 1863. The lime mine is is also drawn on a special geological map from the year 1879 ad there it is called “Humboldschacht”. The mining has come to an end in 1908. In 1928 Mr Bruno Siegert bought the lime mine from the former lord of the manor Mr Schwartz. During the years 1928 / 1929 and 1934 the working quarters were reconstructed into a hiking destination with guesthouse and soon became a little famous. Mr Bruno Siegert got the license to offer alcohol and to operate a guesthouse in 1929. He also named the building “Waldhof”. Since 1929 the restaurant and guesthouse are family property. You have a typical hunting interior inside the building and more over a very unique homely plain with delicious game dishes. The guesthouse with its 9 comfortably designed rooms in a silent wood area welcomes you to relax and enjoy nature.