Visitors Mine Asthma-Heilstollen an underground facility
Experience old mining in in a depth of 100 meters.
Visit original workplaces and feel the life and hard work from the old miners. Only ex-miners lead you through the 750 years old history of the tin- and silver mine. Here you are able to become a miner with hammer and for a while.
There you can find also a speleotherapy center for asthma patients (the first in saxonian)
The special climate in the mine made it possible to open a 'Heilstollen', an underground facility for the treatment of asthma, in 1997. The air here has a temperature of 8 °C and relative humidity of 100 %, making it around 100 times cleaner from dust and allergens than surface air.
The subterranean therapy eases the symptoms of upper-respiratory ailments, such as bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, or hayfever. This is a natural therapy and its practice can lead to less dependence on medications that are often expensive and have undesirable side effects.
Furthermore, Cave Hiking and Nordic-Walking learn course are available.
Cave Hiking ist geeignet für Allergiker als touristisches Angebot oder Heilstollenpatienten, die während des Aufenthaltes im Heilstollen die aktive Bewegung suchen. Der Bewegungsablauf ist dabei ähnlich wie beim Nordic Walking. Auf einem Rundkurs von 800 m kann diese sanfte Sportart, mit der man eine Vielzahl von Muskeln trainiert, unter Ausnutzung des besonderen Klimas im Bergwerk ausgeübt werden.
For more information, visit the page: zum Heilstollen.
The facility is not accessible by wheelchair.